Monday 6 June 2016

Nayu's Craft Time #135 Busy weekend + Hello Ramadan!

Sadly not my photo, but I am drinking chamomile tea with peppermint right now! Tasty & relaxing. Picture source
I am now through my busy weekend of seeing friends and family, and squeezing in enough rest. Ended up with a headache on Saturday, which turned into a migraine Saturday night. Thankfully it disappeared by the time I woke on Sunday, leaving me with the usual post-migraine fatigue. 

Today's a day of doing various tasks that need doing (sadly craft isn't on the agenda until this evening - but it will then happen! 

I'd like to wish those of you who celebrate it a happy Ramadan! It starts today for some (like me) and tomorrow for others, but as one person said on Twitter we may start on different days but we all have the same destination! 

I will be doing info posts about Ramadan soon, just not today as I've a stack of things left to do and don't want to be finishing too late this afternoon so I can rest and get crafting!

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