Friday 27 May 2016

Nayu's Craft Time #132 I love summer!

This scenic photo looks a lot like the fields where I live
Sunny weather is back!!! It makes me super happy, as usually sunshine can mean heat in the summer. My internal body temperature is set low, so I need it over 20'C to feel warm and not need a heated blanket on me all day. It's nice feeling normal at last! Been a long winter. The downside is hayfever makes me feel like I'm combatting a virus, so my body still isn't happy, but least I mostly am ^o^ 
Also a summer scene!
Today I'm finishing some blog work before getting a very small grocery shop, returning to anime and a stack of books to read. 
Just like Roald Dahl's Matilda I love reading!
That's a perfect Friday afternoon activity! 
& a fantastic weekend!

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